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Summarised results of the year. VSU rector about work in 2021

30.12.2021 10:45

Important / Views: 618

It hasn’t been an easy year. On the one hand, the epidemiological situation has been quite harsh, on the other hand, we have learnt to work under such conditions. And I am very happy with results.

Despite the pandemic we have increased the revenue: it is now over 3 billion roubles. The financing of research activities has grown by 45%: it is approximately 325 million roubles. This is a real breakthrough.

We have updated academic facilities relating to the security in the university. For example, we created a remote surveillance system: about 600 digital cameras have been installed at university campuses. The Security Department operators can now monitor the university round the clock. Moreover, from early autumn the overhaul of university buildings has been continuing in three shifts, day and night. This is another positive result.

We have concluded an agreement between Moscow State University, Voronezh State University, and Novosibirsk Research Centre “Vector”: we have been developing a medicine for Covid and have submitted three applications for international patents. Today, the second stage of tests is in full swing: hamsters that have been infected with Covid are getting better.

Our scientists have received 305 million roubles to purchase the only laboratory synchrotron facilities in Russia. VSU staff continue cooperating with Kurchatov Institute. This combination of the laboratory facilities at VSU and an accelerator at Kurchatov Institute, will create a unique situation in Russia: the equipment will allow us to reach the level of synchrotron centres in Germany. Additionally, the Faculty of Physics has joined the programme of the Ministry for Industry and Trade aimed at the development of national radio and microelectronics. Representatives of the Faculty of Physics have received 200 million roubles to install sophisticated equipment and to conduct work in this area.

And most importantly, we have managed to turn the tide of the coronavirus pandemic: during the year, every month we organised vaccinations for our staff and students at the university. Today, over 90% of staff members and 80% of students have been vaccinated, some of them have already been revaccinated. In January, we are supposed to achieve herd immunity and return to studying in person. This is really inspiring and allows us to be optimistic about the year ahead.

This is to the credit of all VSU staff members who have worked as a team, creatively and responsibly, all throughout the year.

Happy New Year!


Voronezh State University • 1997–2024