Voronezh State UniversityVoronezh State University

Research Facilities

The Centre for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment (CCUSE)

Research facilities of VSU include a unique Centre for Collective Use of Scientific Equipment (CCUSE) with state-of-the-art equipment for precise measurement in such areas as physics, chemistry, molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, physiology of plants, animals and microorganisms, biotechnology, chromatography, medicine, pharmacology, ecology and geology. The Centre signed partnership agreements with the Russian-German laboratory of the Berlin Electron Storage Ring Society for Synchrotron Radiation and with the International Centre for Diffraction Data (USA). Research being conducted at the Centre is supported by grants from the leading Russian research funds.

Voronezh State University Astronomical Observatory

In May 2013 Voronezh State University held an opening ceremony of its astronomical observatory which takes pride in its state-of-the-art telescope embracing results of the latest developments in optical engineering. The 12-inch Meade LX200-ACF (optical diameter – 305 mm) with Ritchey–Chrétien optics equals the performance of professional telescopes, yet represents a lighter and more space-saving option. The new university telescope features Global positioning System electronics that enables the automatic positioning of the telescope. Its data base embraces as many as 150 thousand astronomical objects of up to 16 magnitude which it can automatically search and track in the sky, with compensation of any erros that can affect the platform, for example those caused by rotation of the Earth around its own axis.

Voronezh State University Science Park

The main aim of VSU's science park is to support innovative ventures by means of laying the foundation for creating, developing, supporting, and preparing for independent activity the small innovative enterprises, as well as to master the scientific knowledge, inventions, know-how, and knowledge-intensive innovative technologies of the Science Park participants on a commercial scale.


  • developments in the field of nanosystems and the nanomaterials industry;
  • 3D prototyping and producing fully functional models;
  • electronics and power circuit engineering;
  • energy saving solutions and alternative energy.

VSU Science Park includes: Students' Development Laboratory and an Engineering Centre.

VSU Science Park possesses advanced technological equipment for working on pilot projects in the fields of specialization and bringing them to the stage of a finished product.

Vacuum technological equipment:

Plazma 50-SE for ultrathin coating;
Electron-beam annealer (xenon lamps);
Magnetron sputtering set for thin-film structures and coatings;
Photon annealing device (halogen lamps);
A plant for generating film specimens in ultrahigh vacuum (10-8 – 10-10 Torr).

The Science Park's technological equipment is used annually to do research as part of federal special-purpose programmes, RFBR and regional programmes, university course schedules, and administrative agreements, in: vacuum technologies, nanotechnologies and nanomaterials.

Apart from the vacuum technological equipment, the Science Park is fitted with the equipment for machine processing and 3D prototyping, which includes a milling machine, a cutoff machine, a lathe machine, upright drilling machines, a 3D printer, and an NC machine tool.

Currently, there are three residents registered at Science Park:

  • OOO Tekhnologii Shmelevodstva (The Technologies of Bumblebee-Keeping)
  • OOO Plasma innovetion technologies
  • OOO Nanoimpulse

These companies' scope is rather wide and includes nanotechnologies. biotechnologies, information technologies, electronics, and alternative energy.


Voronezh State University • 1997–2025