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An exhibition dedicated to Adygea Day opens at the university

07.10.2021 15:43

Culture, Education / Views: 295

On 7 October, a photo exhibition opened in the hall of the ground floor of the main building of Voronezh State University. The exhibition named “Nikel: Stop the World – I want to get off” was dedicated to the academic training base Nikel in the Adygea Republic.

The author of the works was Yulia Shershidskaya, a second year student from the Faculty of Geology of Voronezh State University. The event was organised with the participation of lecturers and a students’ research team from the Department of General Geology and Geodynamics. Yulia Shershidskaya created her works during her practical training at Nikel. The exhibition represents the key moments of the practical training, starting with the emotions of the first year students and finishing with the routes to little-known sites. Apart from photographs, the exhibition presents tools used by geologists and samples of rocks and herbs.

At the opening ceremony, Alexandra Stepynina, Head of the VSU Museum of History, praised the concept of the exhibition. Viktor Nenakhov, Dean of the Faculty of Geology, thanked Yulia Shershidskaya for her idea and its implementation.

Yulia said that the goal of the exhibition was to cherish the memory of first experiences and the most important moments and events and to show unique geological sites. The lecturers of the faculty who took part in the opening ceremony said that their job is definitely the most interesting job in the world and that this exhibition showed their profession in a more detailed way which helps better understand it.



Voronezh State University • 1997–2024