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An Associate Professor from the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences joins the Council of the Association of experts in the field of molecular, cellular, and synthetic biology

29.09.2022 15:17

Research / Views: 528

Sergey Antipov, DSc in Biology, an Associate Professor from the Department of Biophysics and Biotechnology of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences, and Director of the VSU Science Park, took part in the foundation meeting of the Associations of experts in the field of molecular, cellular, and synthetic biology. The creation of such professional community was due to the modern challenges of various industries.

The goal of the association is to coordinate the activities of experts in the field of molecular, cellular, and synthetic biology, represent and protect common and professional interests of the members of the association, as well as support the formation and development of the organisational, economic, legal, and social conditions that are necessary for the interaction of experts in molecular, cellular, and synthetic biology. The association has a wide range of statutory activities which includes various tasks, from the interactions between researchers to the development of relevant scientific agenda in the field of molecular, cellular, and synthetic biology.

The foundation meeting was attended by leading scientists from scientific and educational organisations from Moscow (Moscow State University, Kurchatov Centre, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, etc.), Tomsk (Tomsk State University), St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg State University) and others. Representatives of the specialised business community (Alamed and DiaM) also joined the association. The Charter of the Association was adopted at the meeting, and the Council members and its Chair were chosen. Petr Kamensky, DSc in Biology, Professor of Molecular Biology, and Assistant Vice-Rector for Research at Moscow State University, was elected Chairman of the Association’s Council, and Sergey Antipov, DSc in Biology, Associate Professor at the Department of Biophysics and Biotechnology of the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences at VSU, was among the 10 elected members of the Association’s Council.

“This professional community of specialists in the field of molecular, cellular, and synthetic biology was created as a response to modern economic and scientific challenges, and the formation of a common scientific agenda is the main task associated with the coordination of the activities of the academic community, provision of technology convergence, and solution of import substitution issues. On the whole, the foundation meeting was lively and meaningful, which shows the high level of interest in such an association both from the research and business communities,” noted Sergey Antipov.



Voronezh State University • 1997–2024