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A regional platform of the Student Media Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia opened in Voronezh

13.02.2024 11:48

Important, Student's life / Views: 127

On 9 February, the opening ceremony of the regional Student Media Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia was held at Voronezh State Technical University.

The rector of Voronezh State Technical University, Dmitry Proskurin, addressed the audience with the words of welcome. He said that this was a highly important event for the students in the region because it would allow them to appear on the agenda of the country.

The guests were also addressed by Andrey Tolmachev, Director of the Department of Information Policy and Integrated Security of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. He explained that the regional platform of the Student Media Centre in Voronezh is the 23rd in the country. He also outlined its main tasks:

“To provide organisational support of the platform activities and supervision of its participants and to form a single information space within the region. All this will help students to fulfil their media initiatives, to develop their talents, and boost their professional skills and competencies, which will help them build their future career.

Among other speakers at the ceremony were Zoya Gryazeva, Chair of the Union of Journalists of the Voronezh Region, Andrey Tsvetkov, Head of the leading regional media holding, Andrey Chervakov, Head of the press service of the regional government, and Artem Zubkov, Head of the Region Management Centre of the Voronezh Region, a deputy of the Voronezh Regional Duma, and Chair of the Committee on Local Self-Government, Public Relations, and Mass Media. They spoke about the importance of increasing awareness among younger generations and wished the participants of the meeting to be effective in their work.

The opening ceremony was attended by representatives of Voronezh State University: Yulia Ustyantseva, Head of the Department of Information Policy, and Ekaterina Burdovitsyna, Acting Chair of the PIXEL student media community.

According to Ekaterina Burdovitsyna, the event was very important for representatives of student media in the region.

“This will provide a huge impetus for development, which will help to work out and disseminate the best practices of student educational, research, scientific, sports, and other activities in the media sphere. Although the VSU student media community is quite young, it has already made a lot of amazing achievements, which were awarded by the Youth Government of the Voronezh Region in December 2023. The main tasks of the university media community for the coming year are to develop and support projects, to cover events not only within the university, but also in the city, to expand the personnel reserve, and to provide a large-scale training,” said Ekaterina Burdovitsyna.

After the opening ceremony of the regional platform at Voronezh State Technical University, Andrey Tolmachev, Director of the Department of Information Policy and Integrated Security of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, and his team paid a visit to Voronezh State University. The meeting was organised by the Department of Information Policy of VSU, which presented the results of work of talented students at the university media centre “PIXEL”. In her speech, Yulia Ustyantseva, head of the department, thanked her colleagues for exchanging opinions and promoting students' self-fulfilment.

“The opening of the regional media centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will allow our city to become a point of attraction for talented young people whose ambition is to achieve their goals and have a successful start in their careers. For the student media community of the university, this will be a great opportunity to reach a new level and become a professional media team,” said Yulia Ustyantseva.

The forum continued its work on 10 February when lectures, master classes, and a workshop on content production conducted by outstanding people in the field of media production were organised for representatives of student media centres of Voronezh universities. Students involved in the work of student media were awarded with badges of the Student Media Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.



Voronezh State University • 1997–2024